10 beauty tips for combination skin

10 beauty tips for combination skin

we talk about dry skin, oily skin, sensitive skin ... and between the two, what do we do? Sometimes dry, sometimes oily, sometimes sensitive, mixed skin can even be three at a time, depending on the area. More reason to take care of it with the beauty tips Fork & Bikini!

1. One learns to identify a mixed skin
Mixed skin includes excess localized sebum, uneven skin tone, uneven skin texture, occasional blemishes, and tightness in certain areas. In other words, she is dry and fat at the same time, easily assaulted and irritated, not always easy to treat! Imperfections are usually localized on the T-zone of the face: pimples, blackheads, redness and enlarged pores on the forehead, nose and chin. On the other hand, the rest of the face and the body may have normal, dry or even sensitive skin.

2. Special care is chosen
Mixed skin is delicate, care must be too: whatever the product you decide to buy, it is verified that it is designed for combination skin. His thing more? It contains active regulators to neutralize sebum, and moisturizing active ingredients to nourish irritated skin. If needed, it's better to have a product targeted by zone than an unsuitable product!

3. We choose balance
Faced with an unbalanced skin, we forget all excesses. We remove from the closet all milks and creams too fat, comedogenic, which make the buttons bloom on the fat zone. And we remove all astringent products or strippers, including alcohol-based, which attack dry areas. We want balance!

4. Limestone is avoided
Like alcohol, limestone attacks mixed skin. As a result, the fragile and irritated areas dry up a little more, while the fat zones get revenge by putting the turbo on the sebum! Most skins would be well advised to be cautious of faucets, mixed skin in particular: we put a limescale filter on the faucet of the bathroom, we avoid at all costs to splash in cold water and we offers sprays of thermal water, soft and inexpensive.

5. It cleans gently
The T zone needs to be cleaned, the normal or dry zone gets irritated by little ... The beauty solution for combination skin? Softness formulas and delicate movements. We choose a micellar water and make up every night with soft cotton or better, washable bamboo wipes. Once a week, apply a gentle scrub with light circular movements, without forcing, rinse with warm water and dry by tapping, without rubbing.

6. We double the masks
To cure a mixed skin, no miracle, it takes two distinct care. So we take the habit, once a week after the exfoliation, to apply a purifying mask to the clay on the T-zone, and a moisturizing mask on the cheeks and neck. Successively or at the same time, everyone (s) his secret!

7. We stay zen
Funny advice to have a beautiful skin? And yet, no! The main culprits of mixed skin are stress and hormonal changes. We will not be able to do much with hormones, so act on stress with gentle methods such as meditation, yoga, homeopathy, sophrology and many others.

8. We eat better
Nothing worse than a diet rich in saturated fats to aggravate - and even sometimes cause - the imbalance of combination skin. Nothing like rebalancing them, on the other hand, a diet rich in free radicals! Good news, the whole body will benefit, so we avoid the cheese and sausage to better rediscover fresh fruits and vegetables, oilseeds (nuts and seeds), vegetable oils or whole grains.

9. Mixed makeup
Mixed skin, mixed makeup! The T-zone is matified with a specific tinted cream, the dry zone is moisturized with another, to obtain a homogeneous result on the entire face. If you choose a foundation, it is required non-comedogenic or better, designed for combination skin. As for the powder, it is taken mineral so that it does not clog the pores.

10. We equip ourselves!
To avoid the nose that shines at lunch or tugging at the end of the day, you slip into your bag a pouch of powdered matifying papers, to be applied quickly on the T-zone to absorb the excess of sebum. It is accompanied by a mini-spray of thermal water and a tube of moisturizing cream special skin mixed, to use one after the other at first tugging dry areas.

10 beauty tips for combination skin 10 beauty tips for combination skin Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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