10 beauty rituals to banish

10 beauty rituals to banish

an age of time, courage or simple habit: the bad reflexes have a hard life on the side of beauty. We can be persuaded to do good, we have all our little tricks in excess that make the toast look, make-up, skin or hair! Do not panic, Fork & Bikini takes stock of the beauty rituals to forget once and for all.

1.Triture your pimples
This impudent red button that tip the tip of the nose just before an appointment, we would be happy to make her party and camouflage the carnage under a layer of foundation. Result? It irritates the skin, it aggravates the redness and volume of the bobo, we take the risk of infecting it and keeping a scar, excuse the little. Better tolerate the affront with a simple drying stick and a hint of concealer, right?

2.Insist on the lip pencil
The outline of the dark lips, it was good in the 80s. Except costume party, we choose a pencil of the same shade as our lips, which we put on the contour of the lips before adding a layer of red. Plan B ? After drawing the outline, fill the inside of the lips previously hydrated with pencil. Natural and neat effect guaranteed!

3.Manage the skin every day
A gentle scrub is intended to be used once a week, at most. The reason ? Used too often, it scours and dries the skin, which when irritated, reacts by increasing the production of sebum. In other words, oily skin, blackheads and dilated pores!

4. Wash your face with tap water
Tap water is calcareous and attacks the skin, causing the best drying, at worst, the famous rebound effect: a sebum rush, dilated pores and shiny skin. We avoid as much as possible to wash our face with tap water and we prefer the fresh water, thermal or micellar, before a good hydration.

5.Arropping small skins
This little skin at the corner of the lips, this little piece at the corner of the nails or this cuticle that carapate ... we all cracked at least once. And we have all, at least once, suffered the revenge of the little skin, which stings, which burns, sometimes to dig and get infected for a rather failed beauty effect. Conclusion, we leave the small skins in peace. We erase the lips, moisturize the hands, push back the cuticles but we never tear, never a small skin!

6.Purpose on the foundation
No, a complexion palot should not be compensated by a whole tube of foundation ... False-not beauty par excellence, the excess of foundation or its bad application are, finally, much worse than a dull but natural complexion . To avoid the orange face, put a touch on the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, no more, before stretching with a beauty blender; CC creams, more subtle, are preferred; and we check the result in the light of day before leaving!

7.Empilate the mascara
We, too, dream of glamorous eyelashes way mysterious forest. Unfortunately, accumulating diapers will not work miracles ... but may leave unsightly packets, spider-eyed lashes. The solution ? The eyelash brush! Brush between each layer or once and for all at the end of the course, to get rid of the surplus rather than continue to stack.

8. Dry by rubbing
The reflex is human, the habit is well anchored: body, face or hair, the more it is wet, the stronger it is necessary to rub to absorb moisture. Boredom? The friction irritates the skin and breaks the hair. If normal skin can tolerate it on the body, no hair, no face come out unscathed. So we stop rubbing to better stamp, optional microfiber towel ultra-absorbent for the presses: yes, the method is longer, but yes, it is worth it!

9.Replace the moisturizer with the foundation
The moisturizer is the basis of any beauty routine. If it is possible to replace it with an all-in-one cream like BB cream, no question of the zapper for the foundation! The BB cream is itself moisturizing. The foundation would rather tend to dry, and worse, to fluff on a non-hydrated skin. It is placed on the cream or mixed before application. As for dry or sensitive skin, it is better to avoid the impasse on the moisturizer, even with a BB cream.

10.Have care of your own hair
There is no question of forbidding homemade coloring or scissors on the wick, for those who are used to it. No way, either, to spend two years without going to the hairdresser! If the pros exist, it's for a good reason: they restructure the cut in depth, cut the spoiled tips, catch a color that turns and care for tired hair. Home care, we say yes, but accompanied by a check-up at the hairdresser once or twice a year, at least.

10 beauty rituals to banish 10 beauty rituals to banish Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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