What is the lifespan of your beauty products?

What is the lifespan of your beauty products?

we will not throw you the stone, we did it all: why throw a high-end sunscreen barely started, so that it can serve again next year? Because the date is the date. And that recent studies on bacteria in our expired cosmetics would make us want to nightmare.

Bacteria and beauty products
Yes, beauty products, whatever they are, have an expiry date, or use, on the packaging. No one will lie to you, it is better to have glasses to mark the date on a tube of mascara, and besides, what is risk? To tell the truth, a lot ... and that's the bad news brought by English researchers, having looked at the magnifying glass - or rather, under the microscope - a vast sample of expired beauty products.

Eubacterium, Aeromonas or Propionibacterium are just a few of the many bacteria found in most products, not to mention the sweet name of Enterococcus faecalis. Their facts of glory? Allergies, pimples, irritations, conjunctivitis ... or intestinal, gastric and vaginal infections, or even risks of meningitis and sepsis for newborns in contact with expired products, including mom's lipstick. Suffice to say that we would see ourselves becoming wise, all of a sudden, and embark on a radical sorting of our beauty products.

Deadlines for beauty products
In Europe, beauty products necessarily indicate the period of use after opening, in other words, the period during which to use a product without risk, once started. To find it, one wears glasses and one scrutinizes pots and flasks: an open-pot pictogram is hidden there, followed by a number and an "M", symbolizing the number of months during which to use the product without worry.

Go ahead, scan ... Conclusion? Beauty products can be kept a lot, much less than we imagine! Direction the cupboards for uncompromising sorting, to avoid diarrhea due to an old lipstick. And before adopting a brand new beauty routine with the next, we remember a few things.

+Organic products and hypoallergenic contain less preservatives, and therefore keep less time. We check well, at the time of purchase, the date indicated.
+Because we will not remember it in six months, we note the date of opening to the marker on pots and flasks. And if the date is not up to the day, we do not exceed the period of use of more than one month!
+At the slightest change of color, smell or texture of a product, even before the deadline, we throw.
+As much as possible, small doses, tubes and vials are chosen which are less prone to bacterial contamination. With the pots, we opt for a spatula rather than dipping our fingers.
+Makeup sponges are the champions of bacteria. They are cleaned after each use and are changed every month, against a weekly wash for brushes.
+Oil and alcohol-based products are more resistant than water-based products, which pose greater risks of contamination: creams, milks, lotions, etc.
+To make our favorite products last and avoid the proliferation of bacteria, one solution: take care of your beauty products. They are kept away from heat and moisture and kept well closed. +In short, it avoids the girl's habit of keeping spare samples or a lipstick for months or even years in a handbag that heats regularly in the sun or under the windshield of the car. !

How long to keep ...

Sun cream

No more than a year. It is strongly discouraged to reuse the same cream from one year to the next, the UV filters losing power at the opening ... we let you imagine a year later.

Shampoos and shower gels

Yes, they too! They are kept 24 to 36 months maximum after opening, or 3 years maximum. More than enough, usually, to finish a bottle.

Moisturizing creams

Everything depends on the cream: they are kept between 12 and 24 months after opening, in general, to control on the pictogram.

Body care

No, body care is not eternal ... it is kept between 9 and 12 months, depending on the brand.


We open bottles of makeup remover after 1 year, and we do the same thing with the wipes ... the one used twice a year on a trip, in general.

Foundation and tinted cream

Just like the concealer, tinted creams last 6 to 12 months, no more. Then? Beware of unwanted skin reactions ...

Nail polish

Little risk of contamination with nail polish, but a deterioration of their performance. They are kept 1 to 2 years, depending on the brands.


Eternal, makeup? Far from there ! The mascara is thrown off after one to three months, the eyeliner after six, the lipsticks after one year. Powdered blushes last up to 1 year, grease pencils up to 2 years.

What is the lifespan of your beauty products? What is the lifespan of your beauty products? Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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