10 tips for a perfect complexion in winter

10 tips for a perfect complexion in winter

the days get shorter, the cold settles and the caps are out. What cheers snowball lovers and shake sensitive skin, even the others, as the cold can turn a nice velvety skin in cracked parchment. We follow Fork & Bikini to discover how to fight and keep a perfect complexion all winter!

1.On hydrates
Everyone knows it, nobody does it ... One exaggerates, of course, but if it is a season which claims a hydration without fault, it is well the winter. In the morning before leaving, in the evening before sleeping, or even during the first day of tugging, we hydrate with a cream adapted to our skin.

2.On protects
To avoid redness due to cold, no secret, we protect ourselves! A good scarf that goes up, a hat on the front, even a hood, a hood, glasses ... Everything is good to save the whip of the wind and the cold bite. Attention, on the other hand, to privilege the soft and natural materials for the parts in contact with the skin.

3. Mix the foundation
A complexion in cold weather, this is the drama looming: attacked by the cold and changes in temperature, the skin desquamates, chokes and pulls more. To look good all winter, we replace the foundation with a BB Moisturizing Cream, or we just a drop of foundation mixed with a real moisturizer.

4.We drink
The cold dries and dehydrates. The problem? We do not drink more! Good hydration comes from the inside as well as the outside, which is another reason to increase our consumption of water, fruits or vegetables, which are also rich in water. And no, sodas, coffee or alcohol do not count, on the contrary, they aggravate the phenomenon.

5.We are moving
Run, jump, swim, walk, each his own thing as long as the blood circulation is stimulated. In doing so, the complexion retains its delicate pinkish hue. Bonus effect, the more we move, the colder we are!

6.One vitamin
Since the season deprives us, why not complement ourselves? For a luminous complexion, we put on vitamin C in pellets or in citrus and green vegetables. Do not forget, in passing, the vitamin D: only the sun on the skin makes it possible to produce it, as well as saying that most of us suffer from lack in winter.

7.Or exfoliated
In winter, dry skin desquamates. It closes the pores and blurs the complexion, unless erased once a week with a gentle exfoliant, before rinsing with warm water. And we finish, as always, with a moisturizing layer of mouth cream!

8.We reconstitute
The lipid film of the skin is a natural barrier, which preserves hydration. Agressed, she disappears, dry skin and gray complexion! To preserve it all winter, we avoid hot baths and shower, we dry the face without rubbing, dabbing with a soft and clean towel. Plan B ? For fragile skin, choose a restorative cream, able to repair the damage of cold, pollution and other aggression.

9.He camouflages
The red nose? Very little for us! For a perfect complexion in winter, the corrector must be green. Strange but true, the green "extinguishes" the red by neutralizing its intensity. We always start by moisturizing, before applying a corrector on areas so quickly reddened nose: nostrils, their furrows and the tip of the nose. A dab of foundation and moisturizer may then be covered for a uniform result.

10.We eat well
The trick is valid all year, as the good fats are beneficial for the health of the hair and the freshness of the complexion ... but particularly essential in winter, when the skin struggles to maintain a good level of hydration. The magicians? Salmon and other fatty fish, avocado, olive oil, seeds and nuts, to consume with little moderation!

10 tips for a perfect complexion in winter 10 tips for a perfect complexion in winter Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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