10 beauty tips not expensive

10 beauty tips not expensive

beauty tips, it's nice, except when it comes to mortgaging the house for a pot of miracle cream. The good news ? Between grandmother's tricks and clever tips, we forget the checkbook to bet on easy, practical secrets secrets ... and above all, cheap!

1.The homemade scrub
Coarse salt or brown sugar in the shower gel, and you're done: the homemade scrub gets ready in thirty seconds and costs ten times less than its well-packed counterparts. All for the same efficiency!

2.The moisturizer
Yes, we pay for it, but the moisturizer makes us feel good. In addition to ensuring supple and luminous skin, it blends cheerfully with foundation or self-tanner. Result? A more natural and significant savings, a good classic cream being half as expensive as said foundation or self-tanner.

3.Home patches
Buy decongestant, astringent or concealer patches in sachets? No way ! Two cottons soaked with mineral water and placed ten minutes in the fridge, then placed on the eyes provide the same effect. Not to mention the slices of cucumber, potato, or tea bags brewed and dried.

4.The vinegar
The shine care and rinsing water at a golden price, we forget. A glass of cider vinegar or cranberry juice guarantees the same effect for one third of the price!

5.The talc
If dry shampoo has changed our life, it saves us water, time and shampoo. The price ? Not that much, considering the prices of the bomb ... unless you go back to essentials and replace the sprayer with a simple bottle of talc, certainly less easy to apply but just as effective. We sprinkle on the roots, we wait two minutes, we rub and brush, it's done!

6.The cornflour
Maizena in beauty trick, really? We swear that yes, both the matte varnish is trendy ... and overpriced. No need to buy a bottle to ensure in the evening, we mix a pinch of starch to a clear varnish and apply in top coat. The varnish turns to the mat and our fingers to the trendy!

7. False eyelashes without false eyelashes
Want a diva look, without investing in a pair of false eyelashes as difficult to pose as painful to pay? We put a first layer of mascara and then apply a cloud of powder or talc with a large brush, before the second layer. We repeat several times and we admire ... unless we dare the cotton, torn, and taken with an eyelash brush and then applied to the mascara still fresh before the next layer.

8.Home masks
In the same way as patches, commercial masks can cost a small fortune, most often without guarantee on the origin of the components or the effectiveness of the formula. All the more reason to return to Grandma's tricks and rediscover avocado, yoghurt or egg white masks, for the face and hair, to prepare minute with the contents of the fridge for a bluffing result !

In mask, moisturizer, hair oil, a good olive oil can be enough to moisturize everything that sings. Skin or hair, it is coated without hesitation and it varies with coconut oil, rather than buying the same dermato or capillary oils, but twice as expensive in a design package.

10. Baking soda
To whiten teeth at the dentist? A budget out of reach for most of us. Rather than ruin supermarket whiteners with dubious composition, simply compensate with a teaspoon of baking soda, mixed with 5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice. Once a week, we mix and brush for a few euros and long months of use!

10 beauty tips not expensive 10 beauty tips not expensive Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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