How to take care of your skin when you have a piercing?

How to take care of your skin when you have a piercing?

you finally have a nice piercing and you wonder how to take care of your skin? We explain everything you need to know!

We do not touch his piercing!

When you get a piercing, you only want to touch it all the time! Even if it is very tempting, we must resist, because each time we touch it, we deposit microbes on it and it can promote an infection or prevent a good healing. To avoid this, touch it only when cleaning it, after thoroughly disinfecting your hands.

Places to avoid

If you are a fan of baths, you will have to give up, at least until the piercing is healed. The shower is better because it is less exposed to bacteria. Similarly, the sauna, the pool, the UV cabins and the hammam are places to avoid when pierced, especially when the piercing is recent. It is generally advisable to avoid them altogether for at least 15 days, but waiting for complete healing is wiser. If you ever had to go to one of these places, do not forget to rinse yourself.

When your piercing has perfectly healed (count for a minimum of one year), you can go to these various places, with or without your jewel according to your preferences. But again, do not forget to clean yourself and then rinse.

Keep a healthy skin

Your piercing should be cleaned daily to avoid infections. For this, a little water and traditional soap may be enough, but the top is the oil-based soap, ideal for healing. The first two months, wash only the skin passing also on the piercing, and rinse well. Then, it will remove the piercing regularly to clean it too, always with water and soap, or using a mild antiseptic.

Specific care for the skin

There is no special care to do after a piercing, whether it is on the face or body. Only scarring should be monitored, but you can continue to use your usual creams and care products without any problem.

What to do in case of infection?

It is normal for the skin to flush a little, tight or a little liquid flows right after the piercing, especially when it is a navel piercing. But if it does not happen quickly, do not hesitate to consult your doctor to check that everything is fine.

You now know how to take care of your skin when you have a piercing. By following these simple tips you will keep a nice, healthy skin. It's your turn !

How to take care of your skin when you have a piercing? How to take care of your skin when you have a piercing? Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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