How to choose anti-stain care?

How to choose anti-stain care?

small brown spots have recently appeared on your face, your hands or your cleavage? Effective care can help you gradually fade. On which criteria to choose your care? Here are a few tips !

Anti stain care, punch actions

The perfect care must fulfill several functions. First, take preventive action first, and work upstream on your epidermis to avoid the appearance of new tasks. Second, of course, mitigate the tasks that are already present. Finally, it is asked overall to have a unifying effect, for a uniform complexion.

The essential ingredients of an effective anti-stain

Fruit acids are famous in cosmetics: they gently exfoliate the surface of the epidermis, and help to remove scars and brown spots. They are found under the names of citric, glycolic or lactic acids.

Active ingredients blocking the development of tyrosinase are essential. And tyrosinase is the enemy, that is to say, responsible for the formation of islets of melanin, which pigment the skin. Look for the composition of your anti-stain care vitamin C, rucinol one more glabridin.

The sunscreens do not help to reduce the tasks, but they prevent them. When your skin is in good shape, it's the sun that brings these tasks to your face - protect yourself with every exposure to UV rays for a unified complexion.

The different solutions to integrate into your routine

If your tasks are minimal and few, you can settle for a single anti-stain product. On the other hand, if they multiply quickly, do not hesitate to use two or three different products everyday.

Anti-tasking sera are practical because they do not change your habits. You only have to deposit serum before putting cream. It is rather recommended for normal and dry skin. Do you have very oily skin? It is better to avoid it, otherwise it will quickly shine.

Anti-stain creams are often fat and thick. They are preferably used at night, so that your makeup does not slip throughout the day. You apply them uniformly over the entire face, because they also act as prevention.

Local care is undoubtedly the most effective: it is deposited on the tasks, for an intense and targeted effect. Again, for your skin to "drink" entirely, it is recommended to apply them at night.

Say goodbye to your Dalmatian skin with good care! To you the beautiful harmonious complexion!

How to choose anti-stain care? How to choose anti-stain care? Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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