10 skin care tips for black skin

10 skin care tips for black skin

black, mestizo, dark, colored skins have everything for them when they are magnified: smooth, sensual, velvety ... You want a complexion zero defect, skin at the top and perfectly maintained? Follow our 10 tips for black skin.

Tip # 1: I love my skin!

Too many women succumb to the sirens of products to whiten the skin. Remember: these are toxic, chemical, illegal and very aggressive to the skin. We do not dream more different, on the contrary: we love his color and cherish his skin!

Tip # 2: I hydrate my face to the max

Clear or dark, nothing helps: black skins tend to be dry or very dry. And because they are thicker than white skin, they require richer and thicker treatments - think coconut oil or shea butter.

Tip n ° 3: I adopt soft and organic cosmetics

The cliché is stubborn, and yet completely false: yes, black skins are very sensitive. They are the ones who, most often, are prone to allergic reactions, as well as irritation. Cream, lotions, gel or mousse, prefer face care skin black herbal, and ideally organic.

Tip # 4: I anticipate, and I choose matifying products

Your sensitive skin tries to protect itself from external aggressions. How is she doing? It produces even more sebum! Result: you shine from the middle of the day! Opt for a mattifying day cream, bet on an anti-shine foundation, and do not hesitate to touch up powder during the day, for a clean, matte and fresh!

Tip # 5: I never skip sunscreen

Black skins tolerate UV rays better, of course. But they are not spared by long-term damage. When the weather is nice, protect your skin and your youth capital!

Tip # 6: I regularly exfoliate for a soft skin

Thick, black skin is a perfect ground for blackheads ... Exfoliate your skin regularly with a gentle scrub, to remove dead skin cells, and maintain a complexion of nickel.

Tip # 7: I avoid touching my pimples

Highly pigmented, black skin has the particularity of overproducing melanin after aggression. At the slightest triturated imperfection, a black stain will appear for several months ...

Tip # 8: I choose a cleanser appropriate to my skin type

Oily skin generates more imperfections than others, so it is essential to adopt a good cleanser to cleanse and mattify.

Tip n ° 9: I offer myself masks to reboost my skin

In winter, the shine is not always at the rendezvous. Multiply the care and masks to revive your dull skin, waiting for the return of the sun!

Tip # 10: I balance my face with make-up

Your complexion lacks uniformity? Opt for the foundation that matches the clearest part of your skin. To neutralize the dark areas, apply a little orange powder: the trick is played!

In 10 tips, you master the essentials for a seductive skin and a complexion to chew!

10 skin care tips for black skin 10 skin care tips for black skin Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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