How to fight against aging skin?

How to fight against aging skin?

bad news, no one has yet discovered the Fountain of Youth! Fortunately, daily actions can slow down the aging of your skin, and keep a young face longer. Here are some of them.

A daily beauty routine

Mandatory make-up removal

Never go to bed without removing your face. The makeup that remains on the skin may dry out and thus accelerate aging. Cleansing your face also helps to rid it of all the impurities of the day and especially pollution, one of the worst enemies of the youth of the epidermis.

Hydration essential

Never forget to moisturize your skin morning and night. Dehydration is the most common cause of the appearance of the first wrinkles. It is also very important to drink enough.

Adapted creams

Use a daily anti-wrinkle cream adapted to your age. By respecting the two previous steps, the action of this cream will be even more effective.

A healthy and balanced diet

Full of antioxidants

Antioxidants help cells regenerate. They are therefore very important for the skin to stay young. You will find mainly in fruits and vegetables, and in green tea.

Omega 3

Omega 3 also participate in cell renewal and hide in fatty fish such as tuna and salmon, in vegetable oils (olive, nuts ...), or in spinach.

A healthy lifestyle

The sleep

It may seem basic and yet it is indispensable! It has even been proven by an American dermatological study that a lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep leads to the early appearance of signs of aging: wrinkles, sagging skin, differences in pigmentation ...

No tobacco and little alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol are very bad for health, we know it! But did you know that they are also bad for your skin? They alter the microcirculation and make the skin dry, dull and rough. So tobacco, no thanks, and alcohol in moderation!

The sun capital

We like to be tanned but if we want to keep our skin young long, we must preserve its sun capital. This means protecting your skin against UVA and UVB with sunscreen, and staying in the shade during the hottest hours of the day: between noon and 16:00.

And here, little effort is enough to preserve the youth capital of his skin. And since prevention is better than cure, we start right away!

How to fight against aging skin? How to fight against aging skin? Reviewed by Unknown on mars 16, 2018 Rating: 5
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